
Welcome to Society Today!

Society Today was launched in 2024 to combine the awesome power of the social sciences with the most important news affecting our lives.

Our mission is to publish engaging articles, interviews, and features to educate you about what’s happening in the world, inspire you to think more critically about how our society works, and empower you to take productive action.

Like Psychology Today (although we are not affiliated with them), we strive to be the go-to destination for people eager to know what top experts are saying in politics, the economy, major social movements, global issues, education, media, culture, self-care, and much more!

We pride ourselves on publishing daily content that is:

  • Authoritative. We don’t do propaganda or thinly-veiled sales pitches. Each Society Today article is written and reviewed by social science experts who accurately report on what’s happening in the world and what other experts are saying about it.
  • Accessible. Forget about boring textbooks and dry academic jargon! We’re here to break it down in plain, everyday language that’s easy to understand.
  • Important. The media covers what they think people want to consume, not what they truly need to know. At Society Today, you can trust that what we cover is more significant than tabloid fodder or vapid speculation.
  • Diverse. Not every social problem has a widely agreed-upon solution. Sometimes we can’t even agree whether a problem exists in the first place! At Society Today, we try to present the whole picture and feature a diverse array of voices and perspectives, emphasizing those who have been historically excluded.
  • Actionable. “Social justice” can be a loaded term, but it shouldn’t be. More than 8 billion beautiful people live on this planet, many of whom deserve far greater support, resources, and opportunities than they’re currently getting. If you can do something to help—whether it’s a small act in your local community or a joining a larger movement for change—we want to ensure you know about it.

Get ready to explore fascinating social issues, uncover hidden truths, and gain a fresh perspective on the world. Whether you’re a student, a concerned citizen passionate about social justice, or simply someone wanting to stay informed, Society Today has you covered!

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Meet the Founder

Randy Lynn, Ph.D., is a sociologist and author of The Greatest Movement in Human History and Torch the Two-Party System. He lives in Sterling, Virginia, with his spouse and two children.